Shelving certification

Certification of weight capacity, also known as static validation, is one of the fundamental steps towards validation of use according to UNI 11636 of 2016, specifically:

“Static Validation is the verification of the load-bearing capacity of the shelving in its current configuration, in accordance with the state of the art and technology and calculation methods in place at the time of validation; it guarantees that the shelving is able to withstand the loads foreseen in the design conditions”.

The purpose of certifying the weight capacity of the shelving is to increase the level of safety in the workplace.

It is important to remember that any variation to the original features of the shelving compromises the validity of the initial certifications issued by the manufacturer.

Di Massa Srl is your ideal partner to start the process of verification and re- certification of your shelving, because we release:

  • Calculation report with clear identification of the admitted configurations and related weight capacities;
  • Project drawings that illustrate and identify the shelving configurations;
  • Weight capacity signs consistent with the existing configurations and clear for warehouse operators.

We can certify any type of static and automated shelving, from classic pallet racking to mezzanines and miniloads.

However, we would like to remind you that the mere verification of the load-bearing capacity is not sufficient for the safe use of the shelving: it is necessary to integrate the steps indicated in the UNI 11636 of 2016, i.e. documental validation and assembly validation, in order to arrive at the validation of use.

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